Heartburn Relief Blend


Ingredients:Ginger/Zingiber officinale, Lemongrass/Cymbopogon flexuosus, Lavender/Lavendula, Turmeric/Curcuma longa. To see the amazing benefits of this product, read down the screen.
The benefit of an essential oil blend for heartburn may have to be applied more than once for full results but they come more rapidly than even Tums. The other health benefits are Aid digestion, Boost heart health, Reduce Inflammation, Prevent chronic disease, Optimize digestion, Stimulate immune system, protects respiratory system. For more information please visit http://organicfacts.net. To be applied topically with an organic carrier oil to get the best results. Blend in a ratio of 1:2. Rub thoroughly into stomach and if necessary, esophagus area.
Lemongrass:The health benefits of lemongrass essential oil can be attributed to its beneficial properties as an analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, galactagogue, insecticidal, nervine, sedative, and a tonic. Also, Lemongrass is an aromatic storehouse of essential nutrients such as; Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6. Lemongrass is also full of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, and iron.
Lavender benefits are: The proven health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect the scalp and skin, prevent acne, enhance blood circulation, and treat respiratory problems. Lavender oil is used extensively in aromatherapy and works as a natural sleep aid. Its potent antibacterial nature makes it a wonderful household cleanser and deodorant.
Turmeric benefits:Improves digestion, Zingiberene makes up more than 30% of turmeric essential oil’s components and is known to have a strong effect on the gastrointestinal system. [7] It can not only promote flatulence and reduce bloating/cramping, but also optimize nutrient uptake and the digestive process.
That’s really and truly the short end of the benefits of this GERD/Heartburn blend. The source of information comes from http://organicfacts. This sight is a great place to research essential oils. It’s like a free resource and has everything necessary to help you towards your journey to a healthier lifestyle.
The Kings Herbals makes no claim to diagnosis, treat or cure any disease. Though essential oils have not been approved by the FDA, there has been extensive testing and research which “proves” they are effective in treating a vast host of painful symptoms.

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1/2 oz Essential Oil Blend For Heartburn, 10 Ml. GERD/Heartburn roller ball

Heartburn Relief Blend
